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Writer's pictureLeonard Santiago

Scarred and Tough

Magazines set the standard of the society about beauty. A petite, young looking, flawless lady is the epitome of true beauty. Many people around the world are slightly and some were highly affected by this standard.

Anna Bert was one of them, not because she lacks the confidence for herself but because she didn't grow up with flawless skin.

Anna, grew up with discoid lupus. A type of disease that affects the skin. It's a condition that causes severe rash after being exposed to sunlight. The coined looking rash may appear neck, scalp, hand and feet. While severe cases may lead to permanent scarring, hyperpigmentation and hair loss.

While growing up, Anna got bullied by her schoolmates as the coined bank, because everytime she'll get exposed to sun, she'll get those rashes.

In her high school years, beauty has been the most rumored topic in their school. She joined her PE class, though she wear enough protection, the sun was really high and she burst into too many rashes and collapse during her class. She was sent to the hospital.

At the hospital she woke up with too much itchy with burning sensation all around her arms and neck. Her skin become flaky dry. Her doctors explained that her lupus in flare and she would need to take medications for it.

Anna followed the instructions of her doctor, but while being in medication, she has to changed drastically physically. She then began not to like going to school at all because some of the girls will make gossips about her skin. Some of the boys were looking at her as if she has a contagious disease.

Anna felt so alone in her battle during her high school not until a newly transferred student from North Carolina started to make friends with her. The name of the child is Bryle. Bryle lost her dad from a brain cancer and moved to Austin with her mom and grandmother.

Bryle the new kid become closed to Anna and made Anna realized that she is beautiful in and out. He taught her that to be beautiful is to see yourself within you and radiate it to people around you.

When Anna realized what Bryle has taught her, she then begin to ignore whatever others gossip or rumored about her skin. From then too, she became hopeful that one day her scars and her disease will have cure. Anna expressed and would love to inspire everyone with her words of wisdom, "I AM SCARRED BUT I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!" she will face this fight courageously and light of beauty in her heart and face.

Do you have discoid lupus? How are you coping up with it? Share your experiences by leaving us a comment.

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Keep to live love and hope!

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