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Writer's pictureLeonard Santiago

Trusting Your Medications Make You Strong

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

"Taking medication and trusting them was not really a weakness."- Ms. Sharon Rose Lim

10 years ago when Ms. Sharon Rose Lim was prescribed with 4 types of daily drug intake to address the management of her Lupus. As the years went by, the counting numbers of pills and tablets increased. If you're going to guess what will be your guess? Six, eight, ten? It's 12. Yes it's 12 types of daily drugs that needed to be taken, sometimes taken twice or thrice a day. Otherwise, these are just oral medications and there's still numbers to count for her IV and injectible medications.

Initially, Ms. Sharon felt a bit overwhelmed by the medications she's prescribed with. She felt helpless without any of her prescriptions. As she had expressed, "My real weakness is that, I was in denial that I am ill and I was insecure how my life will be with a life long disease."

As the years went by, she realized that taking and trusting her medication was not a mean of weakness that she needed to drown herself with, instead, as matter of fact, her medications helped her become stronger and be able to live a better lifestyle.

As she inspires her fellow spoonies, she would like to send the message that there's nothing to be ashame of carrying your pill box with you anywhere else. You life struggles is like your medications that will help you to be better. As she advice, do not linger on the problem and exhaust your energy in trepidation, insecurity, and worries. Instead, you need to feel them, endure them, trust the process to learn and surpass it and come out victorious of your circumstance.

Live Love and Hope, hope you find this article as helpful and inspiring to you. See your medications in positive way and never skip them!

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